

Japan: Japan has a lot of kinds of food, and there are nice food in each area. Osaka is famous for Takoyaki, and Aichi is famous for Misokatsu.In Hokkaido, you can eat fresh seafoods!


Sake is made of roasted rice. It is popular as beer in Japan.By the way, Asahi Beer and Kirin Beer is also popular drink!

Green tea is made in Japan. The color of tea is green and light yellow, also you can drink teas from bitter to weak, as you like.

New zealand: NZ has many kinds of dishes like, Ginger Beer, Afghan Biscuits, Roast Lamb, Gingernuts , Hokey Pokey, Banana Sandwitches and so on.
Especially, Roast Lamb is soft and mellow! You must like it! By the way, there are 6 hundreds million sheeps in there! Is it not enough for you?

New Zealand is famous for wi ne, check here.
There are lots of great wine in wach part. The taste is smooth, also popular all over the world.I would like to taste them!


*Japan & New Zealand*

New Zealand

Nation:A total population is about four million 27o thousands people.

National Anthem:”E Ihova, Atua (神よ守れ)” 

Climate:It is warm all the year. It's a little cool in Summer and not cold wave in Winter.

Government: New Zealand has a King/ Queen. A Prime Minister is a top of the politics.

The Trade: Exported goods are dairy products, meats, woods, fishes and machines.
Imported goods are equipments of machine, automobiles, planes, oils,electronics, textiles fabrics and plastics.

Sports: Rugby, Succer, cricket, net ball are famous. Also, a Yocht race is strong and won in World cup in 1995 and 2000.

Touerism: New zealand is famous for a nice tourist spot. More than 2.4 million people visit for a year. Mainly, British, American, Japanese and Korean visit there.

How wonderful New Zealand is !


Climate: Japan has spring, summer, fall and winter.

Capital city: Tokyo

Gorvernment: Japan has an emperor. The Prim minister and other elected members of the Diet organize the Diet.

National Amthem:Kimigayo

Sports: Sumo、Judo, Kendo

Scientific technique: Environment, energy technique, IT, Nanotechnology and Life science

How wonderful Japan is !


*Thanksgiving Day's Speech*

What people eat on the Thanksgiving Day.

First, It’s a day people thank for God and crops that raised in the year. So, people cook with some autumn vegetables like pumpkin, potatoes and so on. Also, people certainly eat turkey.

As main dish, people eat Turley with cranberry sauce. People roast a big Turkey all day in an oven. The way of cooking depend on each house or states, but basically most of the family cook it roastly. Turkey is important thing of this day, so people call this day “A Turkey Day.”

As side dishes, people cook mashed potato, spuash, caserole and so on. Pumpkin is used in a Squish. Caserole is made of paste, rice, cheese associated with cream sauce. It taste like gratin. Also, the dishes depend on the family and states.

As Deserts, people eat Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie.

Before they eat of this day, they certainly say, ”Lord, I praise and thank you for this food. Amen.”